Welcome September!

Welcome September!

For all intents and purposes, the summer is now over.
Another Labor Day weekend has come and gone.
The days are shorter; the nights are cooler.
The swallows are flocking.

The ragweed/goldenrod is blooming.

The garden is offering forth the last of summer's ripening deliciousness.

Fall crops remain hidden in the ground...
carrots, parsnips, and sweet potatoes will stay beneath their earthy blanket until
cold nights are upon us.

We began our tomatillo harvest this weekend...

purple tomatillos... a first for us.
We plan to use these to make a purple version of salsa verde.
I love how not only the skin is purple, but also the flesh.

We picked a lot of peppers...

(tons and tons of peppers)

and turned them into hot pepper relish and hot sauce.
Hot sauce is one of our favorite condiments.
 (Amanda eats it on everything...and the hotter the better for her!)

We had a visit from Tyler and his Mommy.
They stayed over night....what fun!
An early morning gator ride (in our jammies) to see the animals

helped us to work up an appetite for breakfast.
Oh, goodness....One Eyed Myrtle, before breakfast???

We rode past the corn field and pondered  the difference between feed corn
and the corn that we eat.

Two year olds are like sponges,
they soak in everything that you say to them...
saving it for later use!

It was quite a full weekend.

I have to say...
I am excited that September is here.
Life will slow down again.
Autumn on the farm is quite enchanting...
with breezes blowing dry crunchy leaves,
cool, crisp moonlit nights.
The animals all become more energetic with the onset of cooler weather.
Truthfully.... so do I!

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