

It is the start of just another ordinary day.

And I am treated to a moment of such extraordinary splendor,
that it takes my breath away.
Sunrise over Bee Haven Acres
The veil of night is lifted,
and hours of wind and rain are replaced
by a fiery sunrise.

This was the scene that greeted me yesterday as I did morning
barn chores.

Each day the work is the same. 

 If I left it at that, life would seem quite monotonous. 

But life for me is quite the opposite.
My day is punctuated by moments of magnificence.
Rainbow over Becky's barn

You see, I have the privilege of living and working
in the most beautiful place in this world.

You might argue that your corner of the world is more beautiful,
and maybe it is.....
but to me, there is no place like home.

And speaking of home,
look who greeted me when I went back to the house after chores....

Ok, how about a closer look.....

It's my six crazy Ameraucana roosters.
Incredibly, these six guys, dubbed the "Frat Pack" get along quite well.
They spend their days hanging out around the house...
mostly under the bird feeders.
I often find them inside our garage just nosing around.

They have added a bit of spice to the grounds surrounding the house
with their comical cock-a-dunkle-durb!
Each of them has a different song,
none of which sound anything like your standard rooster.
(I think they speak a different language!)

Oh, and speaking of talking a different language,
(we now switch to baby talk)
I haven't shared any Tyler pictures in a while.
(Tyler is our first grandchild.)

Here he is after consuming sweet potatoes...
"Hey, wait a minute, guys....I'm not ready for a picture!"
(orange residue on cheeks and in nostrils)

Ok, I know you are now laughing and saying,
"Oh my, he has the roundest, baldest head and the chubbiest
cheeks of any baby I have ever seen!"

Yes he does.

Thank you.

I pray the rest of him catches up to his head by the
time he goes to school!
(Yes, I am chuckling, too.)
I spend a lot of time smooching those cheeks.
We adore this little sweetie pie!

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