Come Along With Me....

Come Along With Me....

It's sometimes difficult to convey just how peaceful life on the farm can be.
We've been so lucky to have a long string of beautiful days this fall...
and I have been enjoying every moment.

From the moment I step outside my door in the morning and am greeted by bright Venus,
tiny Mars and a moon of varying size...
all shining over the disappearing night stars...
until the sun sets with fiery colors in the west...
I find myself surrounded by the sights, sounds, and smells of autumn's splendor.

Yesterday morning, this fellow greeted me at the chicken yard.

(He's beautiful... but not a welcomed visitor for the chickens, I must say!)

The days hum along...

a mixture of work and play...
and always some time set aside for communing with my friends.
Why don't you come along with me this morning...

Did you find yourself taking a deep breath and relaxing?
I'll bet your blood pressure lowered!
That's the wonderful thing about life on the farm...
it's good for your health... both physical and mental.
I'm so glad you stopped by for a visit.
Now, take some of that peace and serenity along with you today, ok?

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