National Test Find Only 18% of Mississippi 4th Graders Proficient In Reading

National Test Find Only 18% of Mississippi 4th Graders Proficient In Reading

No Child Left Behind, the federal education law, should be toughened to judge teachers and principals by their students’ test scores, and to block chronically ineffective educators from working in high-poverty schools, a private bipartisan commission recommended on Tuesday.

Excuse me does this mean the middle and high income schools will be stuck with the ineffective educators?
Its report compared the way in many states, students considered proficient in reading on the state tests were not considered proficient on the National Assessment. In Mississippi, for example, the state test found that 87 percent of fourth graders were proficient in reading. According to the national test, only 18 percent were.

Mr Bounds how do you explain this?

Lesson Plans

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