New Ideas (or... How I Need To Turn Off My Brain)

New Ideas (or... How I Need To Turn Off My Brain)

Days are a bit of a blur right now...
filled with last minute prep, farm chores, summer chores.

And still ideas keep popping up in my head.

yesterday I thought we needed a sign like this...

so I painted one (make that two!)

Then it occurred to me that the poles of the wedding tent would need some sort of decoration,
so I made these...

I had already found two old feed sacks which I stuffed to use for decor....

and then it occurred to me that I had lots of plain burlap sacks in the barn
just waiting for a project.
So, I quickly added our underlying theme for the day...
Watch. Love. Grow.

That theme will be carried through the day...
in decorations as well as activities.

Then, while in town running errands,
I found this little salvaged potting bench.
Too cute!

I am going to use it to display take-home gifts for our guests,
(more on that later)

and then place it in the greenhouse for it's intended use.

With the flurry of activity that each day brings,
I have to say that my very favorite part is still...
walking the sheep back to the barn each evening.

I still plan on keeping the sheep in their permanent home (yard),
but for now it's nice to bring them back to the barn and have a little bonding time.
It's also Ritz cracker time for them, so they look forward to it each evening.
If we make them wait too late, Gracie starts calling for us.
By the way, did you hear the donkeys braying in the video?
I would love to have a close-up video of them braying, 
but they always seem to bray before I arrive at the barn!

Before we say farewell for the day...
I wanted to thank you for the wonderful comments that I receive.
At a time when it takes a lot of energy to keep blogging with all of the other activities of the day....
you keep me going!
I appreciate you more than you know!

Now....go and have a great day!

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