NewsBusters & Washington Post are both wrong

NewsBusters & Washington Post are both wrong

According to NewsBusters
In an article that is ostensibly supposed to be about the many Iowa homeschoolers that are supporting Mike Huckabee, the Washington Post pins the reason to the fact that homeschooling parents must hate Mormons!

Why do they continue to lump all homeschoolers together. Even though I am a homeschooler I don't support Huckabee, I also don't hate Mormons. In fact I have a good friend that is a Mormon. So the fact that I don't support Romney either has nothing to do with his religion.

I haven't yet settled on a candidate. Before I do I intend to look at their stance on all the issues, not just homeschooling.

Homeschoolers are a diverse bunch, who care about many different issues. To imply that all homeschoolers will support a certain candidate because of his stance on one issue does us all a disservice.

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