No Fighting, No Biting!: How homeschool friendly is Mike Huckabee?

No Fighting, No Biting!: How homeschool friendly is Mike Huckabee?

No Fighting, No Biting!: How homeschool friendly is Mike Huckabee?

Another Homeschooler who isn't pro~Huckabee.

- Consent Of The Governed: Utah Homeschool Mom Threatened With Jail
Consent Of The Governed: Utah Homeschool Mom Threatened With Jail I have to agree with Judy, I wonder what facts have been left out of WND's version of the Utah Homeschool Mom's story. It'll be interesting to see what new facts come to light...

- Newsbusters & Washington Post Are Both Wrong
According to NewsBusters In an article that is ostensibly supposed to be about the many Iowa homeschoolers that are supporting Mike Huckabee, the Washington Post pins the reason to the fact that homeschooling parents must hate Mormons! Why do they continue...

- Mike Huckabee And Homeschoolers - The Whole Truth. ~not
Prowling around the blogosphere I came across this piece of nonsense at Think Aware. Let's not forget that Mike Huckabee has the endorsement of Michael Farris who heads up the Home School Legal Defense Association, our number one line of defense....

- Brownback, Huckabee & Tancredo Don't Belive In Evolution
In the "gotcha" question of the first GOP debate, journalist Jim VandeHei, relaying a citizen's question, asked John McCain: "Do you believe in evolution?" A natural response might have been, "Well, that depends on how you define evolution." It would...

- A Boy And His Goat......
Meet Mike. For those of you who have not read this blog from its beginning, you may not know Mike. Mike is my brother-in-law, husband to Becky (the Vet) hubby's sister. Mike and Becky moved from Reno, Nevada a little over a year ago and bought...

