Of Wings And Horns And Beards

Of Wings And Horns And Beards

It's time to harvest hay again.
You might remember that the weather didn't cooperate for our first cutting,
so that cutting went to a local dairy farmer who could use the hay quickly...
before it got moldy from moisture.

Once this weekend's rain is over, 
we will be keeping our eyes on the weather forecast for a warm, dry streak.

In preparation for mowing, Sam and Oakley and I took a little time yesterday afternoon

to pull out milkweed plants that were growing in the hay.

Sam and Oakley watched...I weeded!

The hayfield has turned into a butterfly wonderland...
most likely due to the huge amount of clover growing there.

Every kind of Pennsylvania butterfly made an appearance,
except the monarch.

And now that I pulled out the milkweed, we might not be seeing
too many monarchs in the hayfield.

Sorry monarchs....but the horses don't like milkweed!

Sitting there watching the butterflies made me think about their
short, but amazing lives.
Pretty miraculous, really.

But then, so much of our beautiful world is miraculous, isn't it?

On the way back to the barn, we stopped to visit with the goats.
Smilin' Jill...

Handsome Smoochie...
gotta love those horns...

Adorable Dot...

Shy Sissy...

Little Miss Nettie B....

Inseparable Gracie and her mama Missy...

Just too tired to get up, O'Malley...
our only gal without horns or beard (she was born that way.)

It's not the whole herd, but just the ones who made an appearance.
Today we move the bucks to another pen.
Rotating pens, to let them rest for a while helps in
the battle against parasites.

Last night's dinner....
straight from the garden...

yummy spaghetti sauce.

There was enough for dinner with three quarts leftover to freeze.

Well, it's Friday again...
and my buddy Tyler will be here this weekend.
I'll tell you all about our fun on Monday.
Hope your weekend is everything you need it to be!!

- Thursday In The Garden With Socks
The Lantana The Plumeria, Ornamental Peppers and Firecracker Cuphea. Mommy grew the Ornamental Peppers from seed, we are astounded by how well they are doing and the Cuphea broke off from the one she planted at the Hummingbird Cottage so she rooted it....

- A Crime Of Passion
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- The Dating Game
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- What About Horns?
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