On The Subject of Luck

On The Subject of Luck

Last evening I made the 45 minute, twice monthly trip into the city
to teach a class.
I was amazed at how many tractor trailers filled with chickens (live)
I passed as I made my way to town.

I felt so very sorry for those chickens, being hauled on a hot highway
in 100 degree weather.
Peering into each truck I saw very sad looking chickens, panting,
half of their feathers missing....obviously stressed!

It made me think how much of life depends upon luck.
I thought of my own little chicks at home...

who live a comfortable life with room to roam,
clean abundant water and plenty of feed.

How lucky my little chicks are to have ended up here on the farm,
and not in some industrial chicken factory.


Like my chicks, I had the good fortune to be born into a wonderful loving family.
I have the blessings of health, family love, dear friends, 
and this beautiful farm to call my home.

Each morning I am thankful for the opportunity to see another day,
to work hard,
to touch the earth,
to care for our critters,
to love deeply,
to enjoy the fruits (and vegetables) of our labor,
and to fall into bed exhausted at the end of it all.

I am truly a lucky woman.

I am also hot.
(Not that kind of "hot")
No, I am truly roasted and toasted by this extreme heat wave we are having.
My birds spend the day seeking shade...

wherever they can find it!

I tried hooking misters up to the hose,
but the gals weren't interested in a shower.
They prefer hanging out under the trees

playing cards and gossiping.

And by the way, I fear Henri (etta) might be farsighted.
She(he) seems to have a tough time seeing the ground in front of her...
or has she just fallen asleep standing up?

I hope wherever you are it is not too stifling hot!
Have a great weekend.
We'll be hanging out here at the farm
trying to keep cool.

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