Sunflowers, Kayaks, and Napping Chickens

Sunflowers, Kayaks, and Napping Chickens

It seems like each day of perfect late summer weather we have
is followed by another perfect day...
prettier than the preceding one.
Yesterday was one such day.

I swear we have grown the tallest sunflowers I have ever seen...
twice as tall as me... if not more! 

I know I showed you this stem before, but it has grown by half again.
I think it should be referred to as a "trunk" instead of a stem!

Hubbs was home from work yesterday...
an extra vacation day he needed to use.

So we took a couple of hours off the farm and headed to the river
to kayak.

With a snack of locally baked artisan crackers, cheese, and olives,
we floated down the river...

in the company of fish, birds, turtles,
all sorts of river wildlife!

We are so very lucky to live within minutes of this kind of beauty!

We tend to get so caught up with work around the farm,
that sometimes we forget to get away and see different sights.
A perfect day like this made us realize that life is short,
and if we don't take these opportunities now...
they might just pass us by!

For those of you who are raising chickens for the first time...
don't be alarmed if you find one of your chickens looking like this...

Do not be alarmed!
The first time I saw this,
I thought my poor chicken must be dying.
Not so.

Chickens very often nap during the day stretched out on their side.
I'll tell you though, the first time you witness this,
your heart will skip a beat.

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