Our Birds, Our Bird Dogs

Our Birds, Our Bird Dogs

I pulled this photo out of the archives.

It just might be my favorite.
It's of Rod, of course,
in his younger days.

I get so many comments about Rod.
And yes his full name is Rod Stewart.
He just reminds me so much of Rod Stewart in the 80's,
when his hair was quite similar to this fellow's "do"!

You might remember that with April's batch of Cuckoo Maran chicks,
I received a surprise....Henri.
Henri, who has become Henri-ette.
You see, what I thought was another Polish crested rooster,
is quite possibly a hen.
No crowing heard, no spurs on his legs....
so, I guess he is a she.

Henriette has grown into another interesting bird...

Unlike the photo of Rod, above,
it appears that Henriette is a bit sight-challenged.
I have never seen eyes....they are well hidden beneath a lovely
"chapeau" of feathers.

I think that might be the reason why Henriette usually 
hangs out beneath the maple tree next to her house...
from predators in the sky
(which she wouldn't in a million years see!)

What she doesn't realize, though, is just how safe she is.
Besides being right next to the barn,
she is well protected from predators of any type by this fellow...

Don't let the innocent face fool you, though.
This fellow is a menace!

Besides being an excellent hunter,
he can bust through any screen door in a matter of moments.
(I know....I've re-screened three doors so far... and keep a healthy 
supply of screening on hand at all times!)

And of course, then there is Oakley...
Mr. Perfect!
Oakley is a great hunter and an all around great dog.

Together, these two fellows are an awesome team,
with endless energy and enthusiasm...
not to mention, my constant outdoor companions.
(Did I mention they sleep on their beds at the foot of ours...
yes, they are house dogs, too.)

It seems that Polish crested chickens are the "surprise" chick of the year.
The batch of chicks that arrived in July also has a crested chicken amongst them.
Meet Louie (who knows, maybe Louisa)

Louie Louie....(you know the rest of the lyrics!)

Louie cracks me up...
check out that scowl on his/her face!

By the way, sometimes Sammy works so hard,
he has to hitch a ride home...

Poor, poor Sammy!
It's hard work keeping all these critters safe from harm,
isn't it?

- Who's Who....part 5
Years ago, when we decided to have hens for eggs,we made it a point to avoid roosters.We bought our hens as chicks at the feed store.And all were hens. And there was peace on the farm. The next summer, we decided to increase our flock;and ordered 25...

- Chicken Lovers And Pigs' Feet
You might remember last summer...I raised two new groups of hens. The first group were the Frenchies (Cuckoo Maran hens)who included one orange Polish Crested Rooster named Henri,and who were moved into the henhouse by the barn at about three months...

- Kissing Chickens
Before I get started with today's "tail", I just have to say...I LOVE SUMMER!!! You probably guessed what yesterday's special delivery was. Yes,I am the crazy chicken lady.I ordered a second batch of chicks... and they arrived yesterday. (just...

- Chicken Mystery
Every morning, and pretty near all day long, you can hear Handsome Hank crowing his beautiful fully developed "Cock a Doodle Dooooooo". But, lately, there has been another sound coming from the fancy chicken pen. It sounds as though another rooster may...

- Something New
At my age, seeing something I have never seen before is a rare event. But, this fellow parked himself on our loghome the other evening. The colors in this picture are true...he was pink and yellow. Don't you just love the fuzzy hairdo on his head....kind...

