Something New

Something New

At my age, seeing something I have never seen before is a rare event. But, this fellow parked himself on our loghome the other evening. The colors in this picture are true...he was pink and yellow. Don't you just love the fuzzy hairdo on his head....kind of reminds me of my Polish crested chickens! Maybe he is a Polish crested moth. Have you seen one like him before? Do you know what type of moth he is? And, wouldn't you like to see what type of caterpillar he was? I will do a little research and see if I cannot answer those questions for you.

Addendum: He is a Rosy Maple Moth (dryocampa rubicunda).

- Thursday In The Garden
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- Who's Who....part 5
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- Our Birds, Our Bird Dogs
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- Kissing Chickens
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- Amelia Airheart
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