Our Lovely Blog Award

Our Lovely Blog Award

Thoughts Fur Paws gave us this beautiful award. Aren't the pink roses and teacup pretty?

The rules are that we must link to the friend that gave us the award….that's Thoughts Fur Paws. And give the award to up to 15 blogs we have recently discovered. Here are our recently discovered favorites:
  1. Ginger Jasper
  2. Our family cat-a-blog
  3. Cory Cat Blog
  4. jeter harris
  5. Ozark Mountain Cats
  6. Raising Addie
  7. Mona & the Mommy Too!!
  8. Romeo The Cat....and Pugsley too!
  9. Help our Daisy
  10. A Dog and 2 Cats
  11. Miss Kitty
  12. Aoise's world

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- Ain't Life Grand
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