Our Progress

Our Progress

Our Progress on I Dare You All # 4, Part 3 .
Derby - I dare you all to catch a mouse or other intruder in your home and show a picture of you and it together!

Scylla with the mouse she caught.

Mike I dare you all to find a girlfriend for me!

We think Scylla's friend Tallulah Skye would be a great girlfriend for Mike. She is very quiet, but she has promised to share some stories about when Mommy was little with us this winter on our blog.

Goldie and Shade I dare you all to reveal your most gaudy cat object!

We think the Lucky Cats Daddy brought back from Japan qualify.

We promise to work on the other dares and post them as soon as we can.

- Scylla On Sunday
I wants to go visit Brian first thing this morning. I am sleeping on the keyboard so as soon as lazy Mommy gets up I'll be ready to go. Mommy don't you dare show the picture of my FAT COW BELLY! and don't you dare tell everyone that Daddy's...

- We Dares You
We dares yo to find a fun way to cool off and take a picture of it. Mommy seems to think that sitting in my giant water bowl (it's a kiddie pool Fenris) is fun. She tried to get me to sit in there with her, is she STUPID????, you don't sit in...

- Photo Hunt ~ Hats
We have been working our way through I Dare You All # 4, Part 3 . Today Scylla will do................................ Karen Jo - I dare you all (animals and humans) to post a picture of yourself in a hat! It can be real or photoshopped, but real is preferable....

- Mancat Monday - Humiliated By Socks
Whose bright idea was this??????? You can blame Isis and her dare - "I dare all you mancats to dress up like girls and have your photos taken for all to see!", for my humiliation. No, I do not look like Mommy! I just borrowed her outfit and hairstyle....

- Scylla's Friend
Mike is looking for a girlfriend, I of course have two adorable sisters he might want to check out but Scylla also has a friend Mike might like. She is pretty old, Mommy's Grandma gave here to her when she was a little girl. According to Scylla...

