Scylla on Sunday

Scylla on Sunday

I wants to go visit Brian first thing this morning. I am sleeping on the keyboard so as soon as lazy Mommy gets up I'll be ready to go.
Mommy don't you dare show the picture of my FAT COW BELLY! and don't you dare tell everyone that Daddy's new nickname for me is COW BABY cause I was afraid of Fenris.

Mommy laughing, "Don't worry I won't Scylla . You already did".

- Mancat Monday
MOL I am using the keyboard as a pillow, it drives Mommy nuts. Now that I am awake and off the keyboard Mommy said I could show you the candle holder my Vet made Mommy and Daddy for Christmas. It has bones on it, she gave the doggies some Milk Bones and...

- We Dares You
We dares yo to find a fun way to cool off and take a picture of it. Mommy seems to think that sitting in my giant water bowl (it's a kiddie pool Fenris) is fun. She tried to get me to sit in there with her, is she STUPID????, you don't sit in...

- Photo Hunt ~ Hats
We have been working our way through I Dare You All # 4, Part 3 . Today Scylla will do................................ Karen Jo - I dare you all (animals and humans) to post a picture of yourself in a hat! It can be real or photoshopped, but real is preferable....

- We Got A Cat That Eats Bugs
Orlando Bun - I dare you all to write or adjust a song for somebunny special! We are adjusting. This also works for our dare. Socks, Scylla, CharybdisWe dare you all to write a song/a parody of a song and then – optional - create a music video! We wish...

- The Dare
The Cat Realm has issued a dare, you can read all about it here. The deadline is August 31, 9 pm Pacific Time, that is midnight EST, so we have put our thinking caps on to come up with something. Socks is keeping his eyes peeled for a good dare, Scylla...

