Parental Involvement

Parental Involvement

Principled Discovery has an interesting post Parental involvement in the tween years . She makes some excellent points.
Unfortunately, many of these after-school programs are increasingly viewed as "opportunities" for children, rather than the glorified babysitting service that they really are.
It's really sad that "family time" isn't viewed as an opportunity anymore. I have noticed among my friends that more and more their children are being dropped off somewhere so Mom & Dad can have some free time after the kids get home from public school. Usually with the prefix that such and such is such a wonderful opportunity for little Joe or Sue. Children need their parents, tweens especially need to spend time with their families. Honestly can't that game of bridge, night at the casino etc. wait until the children are grown?

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- Parental Involvement
The Community Education Support Foundation, Inc. organization in Meridian places much of its efforts in seeking information concerning facts are obtained through research. Research overwhelmingly demonstrates that parent involvement in children’s learning...

