Aelfric worries about socialization of homeschoolers

Aelfric worries about socialization of homeschoolers

Aelfric says
I am all for the right of a parent to home-school his or her child, but it's a choice to be carefully undertaken. Few parents can bring the intellectual diversity and educational acumen to bear that the panoply of school teachers could (not that all individual teachers are great, but as a group, I think they are great). Also, home-schooled children tend often to be insufficiently socialized. This is not all of them, of course, but I would venture to say a significantly larger number than children who attend schools. Home-school parents often think parentally-supervised socialization time is sufficient to replace the experiences children get at school, but there is a vast difference between social time with one's parents immediately about and the comparative 'independence' of the school system. Again, I don't mean to argue against home-schooling, only to point out some of the issues which should be considered. Thank you.

Jeez this statement is so full of misconceptions I don't know where to begin.

Few parents can bring the intellectual diversity and educational acumen to bear that the panoply of school teachers could .
Why not????? Teachers are human beings just like parents are. What makes public school teachers so 'special' in Aelfric eyes? The majority of homeschool parents not only bring intellectual diversity to their children they teach them to be curious about the world around them, to ask questions and form their own opinions.

Home-school parents often think parentally-supervised socialization time is sufficient to replace the experiences children get at school, but there is a vast difference between social time with one's parents immediately about and the comparative 'independence' of the school system.
Where do non-homeschoolers get the ridiculous notion that homeschoolers are with their parents 24/7? We drop our kids off at soccer ( or whatever recreational sport our children participate in) practice just like public school parents do, they go to scout meetings, Sunday School Classes, and various other activities without their parents in tow, they hang out with their friends (some of whom are public school children) just like public school students do. Why oh why don't these people bother to learn about homeschoolers before making idiotic statements based on false assumptions?

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