Paris - Day 1

Paris - Day 1

Gracie invited us to go to Paris with her and the Gang. Needless to say we packed our bags and teleported over.

We loved the Palace of Versailles, especially the Gardens

Socks & Scylla @

The Grove of Apollo’s Baths

Tuiren & Fenris @ The Encelade Grove

 We enjoyed touring The Louvre Museum

Charlotte, Asta, Allie, Gracie, Raz, Ellie, Socks, Karl, & Ruis.
Graphic by Gracie
 We thinks the Préfet de police may have gotten a little annoyed with Scylla climbing the Pyramid. 

Socks, Tuiren, Fenris & Scylla @ The Louvre

We do hope she manages to get back down before the bus comes to collect us. 

Of course the food was divine. Our favorite restaurant was La Tour d'Argent.

It was very elegant. We had Foie gras d’oie des Trois Empereurs, brioche au beurre salé and for dessert we had Soufflé au chocolat noir Tour d'Argent, banane caramélisée et noix de coco. Both were heavenly.

Guess we better go home and see what our Mom has got up to in our absence. Do you thinks we should take her a doggie bag?

~Socks, Scylla, Fenris & Tuiren, reporting for Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs

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