Peacefully homeschooling amid diversity

Peacefully homeschooling amid diversity

If The Homeschool Blog Awards haven't achieved anything else the acrimony caused by 'the rules' have proved how diverse a bunch we are. It's too bad that many of us are unable to recognize the validity of homeschool bloggers who hold differing views or beliefs then our own. Calling the awards The Homeschool Blog Awards implies that all homeschool blogs are welcome, perhaps they should find a more descriptive name for the award if they are going to limit it to a small circle of "G" rated blogs.

Some homeschoolers have "potty mouths", that doesn't mean their blog isn't a noteworthy homeschooling blog. Other homeschool bloggers have more interest then homeschooling and post on a wide variety of topics, it doesn't mean their post on homeschooling have any less value then someone who only post on homeschooling. By imposing a "G" only criteria for blogs nominated for The Homeschool Blog Awards the ladies who are running the awards are imposing an insidious brand of censorship. But hey since they are running the awards, it is their right to decide what blogs qualify.

Although it would be nice if we lived in a world were all homeschool bloggers were welcome. Where instead of demanding that all homeschool blogs be "G" rated we simply didn't read the blogs that didn't appeal to us, while recognizing that others might enjoy them and find them worthy of awards.

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- Homeschool Blog Awards
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