PEAK Party!

PEAK Party!

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by alasand
Día de los muertos
November 2nd our homeschool group celebrated Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). We had a great turn out and had tons of fun making sugar skulls, paper flowers, & doing other activities. Big thanks to Rachael for heading up our arts & crafts.
With Marcie's help decorating we had an altar, and a festive atmosphere.
Wanda's Bread of the Dead was a big hit.
I brought pumpkin cookies, the recipe can be found here.
I had a great time and I hope everyone else did too. You can look through the photo album (above) to see all the fun we had.

- Back To School Bash & Party @ Momo's
 We has a busy day today. First we are going to MoMo's Birthday/Gotcha Day Party. Then we are headed over to Finn's for the Flower Show. But before we leaves we are taking a look at some of our flowers we might want to take with us.  This...

- Alasandra's Book Club ~ The Good Guy By Dean Koontz
Mistaken for a hired killer, Tim goes to warn Linda that someone wants her dead. Not only does Tim keep her alive he uncovers why the mysterious 'group' wants her dead and brings a halt to their conspiracy, with some help from his friends and...

- Chinese New Year
PEAK Gulf Coast is celebrating the Chinese New Year, February 19th and Sheri at Wisdom Home Academy has some recipes, and a unit study to share on this very topic. One of the most enjoyable aspects of homeschooling is getting together with our fellow...

- Tricks And Treats
This was the weekend for Halloween celebration here on the farm. We joined our friends and neighbors at a local farm for a corn maze…an amazing corn maze.Take a look, here it is from the air! We started the maze at dusk, found all of the hidden clues…...

- A Delicate Subject
For SaleCheapOne baggy, saggy, smelly, used Newfie.(Just kidding... I could not bear to part with my best friend!) Poor Maddie....poor us.She woke up yesterday morning in a blue fog of stink. Her anal glands (should we even discuss this in public?)...

