A Delicate Subject

A Delicate Subject

For Sale
One baggy, saggy, smelly, used Newfie.
(Just kidding... I could not bear to part with my best friend!)

Poor Maddie....poor us.
She woke up yesterday morning in a blue fog of stink.

Her anal glands (should we even discuss this in public?) had a major explosion.
This happens every so often with poor Maddie... it's just the way life is.
Then to make matters worse, she rolled in something dead (as girl dogs are prone to doing.)
And why, may I ask, do they always like to cover their necks with such stench?
On top of all of that, she decided to have an adventure in the woods...
picking up about 150 burrs on her coat.

A bath was the only course we could take, so off to the barn we went.
We have hot and cold water at the barn...which makes bathing much easier.

Of course we had an audience....
onlookers who were relieved to see that the hose was not out for one of them.

Why is it that everyone hates baths?

After such a smelly day, I needed to fill my senses with the aroma of autumn...
something warm and spicy!
Because we have a bumper crop of butternut squash, I looked for a cookie
recipe for butternut squash cookies and found this one.

I added walnuts and chocolate chips....yummy!!

The farm is so beautiful this time of year.
All of the flowers are at the peak of their blooming.
I bring as many into the house as possible,
knowing that all too soon the first frost will wipe away all traces of those blossoms.
And so I tuck vases of fresh cut flowers in any empty space...
like on the hearth...

- A Word About Flies
Fly control...one of the great challenges of life on the farm. But before we delve into that icky subject.I have to show you what became of yesterday's beautiful strawberries. I also harvested some rhubarb for this Strawberry Rhubarb Jam.Yum! Now...

- We're Havin' A Heat Wave...
....a tropical heat wave!! Great News!! The Jetstream has finally made its way back down outof Canada, and with it has brought us some warm weather. Yesterday the temperature was in the upper 40's.After what we have endured for the past 3 months,the...

Behind our house there is a magical path that leads out through the wood pile and makes its way into the woods.  The woods on this side of the house is a mixture of hemlock (evergreen) and deciduous trees.   For three seasons...

- It's Coming!
Autumn.It's almost here!The nights are cool now.The days are finally bearable. Everyone on the farm is enjoying the cooler temperatures.Energy abounds. Each morning all of the dogs come out for morning chores. Hickory leads the way with energy not...

- A Day Of Rest
This morning, like every other Sunday morning, Maddie got the front half out of bed and then decided to quit. A big yawn...........and back to sleep she fell...half in and half out of bed. There are no days of rest on a farm. Each and every morning the...

