

Should I take it as a sign?
Just go back to bed, skip the day (as if!)?

When your dog greets you in the morning looking like this....

And you arrive at your horse back riding lesson with a trailer tire that looks like this....
(and did I mention that we were in the middle of NOWHERE?)
(Thankfully Becky has hauling insurance on her Triple A for trailers)

And during that lesson your horse does NOTHING you ask of him,
and considers bucking you off yet again....
Oh, and your trainer suggests that possibly you should look for a new horse....

Tell me...
on days like that would you hang up your spurs?
Would you go back to bed?

I considered it.
I did.

And then I looked up at the sky and saw this....

And stopped to snuggle with these....

And watched the antics of these....

And somehow life didn't seem all that bad anymore.
That's how it is on the farm.
Animals have a way of putting things into perspective.

PS....the part about the spurs....I don't wear them....just using poetic license.

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