Pet-lovers have decided to pay on their own to have pet-foods tested

Pet-lovers have decided to pay on their own to have pet-foods tested

As all blog readers know, many pet-lovers have decided to pay on their own to have pet-foods tested, most notably Don Earl. Drop by Pet Connection Blog to read the rest.

It's a shame but we can't depend on the pet food companies to provide us with uncontaminated pet food. We can't even depend on them to let us know when something is wrong with their product. And we can't depend on the FDA (it's safe now, uhh wait a minute there is a another recall, but it's safe now, REALLY) to insure the safety of our food much less our pets food.

- Pet Food Recall ~ Acetaminophen Found In Pet Food
Grieving cat owner Don Earl of Port Townsend, Washington, told us he paid ExperTox to analyze those brands of pet food. He said the samples tested were the same lots and styles of food that he fed his cat, Chuckles, before she died in January 2007 after...

- Class Action Lawsuit Involving The Largest Pet Food Recall In Us History.
WTW, with co-counsel, has brought the first California class action lawsuit involving the largest pet food recall in US history. Menu Foods, and its affiliated companies, have recalled approximately 60 million containers of pet food covering close to...

- March 27th ~ Update On Pet Food Recall
A new report is circulating that the recent number of deaths allegedly due to the Menu Foods pet food poisoning scandal may be just the tip of the iceberg. Many more deaths have not been officially reported, and that the problem may be more extensive...

- Pet Food
As many of my readers know I was planning to make my own pet food. Alas Sockie-Pooh doesn't care for my cooking! LOL ;>). So I wanted to find a pet food that had no connection to that dastardly Menu Foods company that killed Whiskers. These products...

- Special Kitty Pouch Cat-food Killed Whiskers
Many of you who read my blog regularly know we recently lost out beloved cat Whiskers to kidney failure. Today I read in the paper that the Special Kitty Pouch Cat-food that he regularly ate was being recalled because it caused kidney failure in an unknown...

