Photo Hunt ~ 13 (Pictures)

Photo Hunt ~ 13 (Pictures)

1.) This azalea bloom is half white and half pink. I love my Encore Azaleas as they bloom all year. The blooms are also interesting.

2.) Scylla & Charybdis are having a mock battle. Scylla was defeated and left unconscious in the chair. (She is really fine, although she is in danger of falling out of the chair. Mommy thought it was a silly way to sit in a chair).

4.) Scylla & Charybdis are giving Daddy the bitey.

5.) Some wildflowers I like.

6.) I love the little pink violets. On the other hand I DETEST the dollar weed.

7.) Don't wake Scylla up she is sleeping.

8.) Charybdis is getting some Daddy time.

9.) The geese are wondering around in the butterfly garden.

10.) My Camilla is blooming.

12.) This Encore Azalea has a pink bloom and white bloom on the same bush.

13.) My Japanese Magnolia is blooming.

13.) What is Scylla looking at?

- Society Of Feline Gardeners ~ Charybdis Reporting

- Flowers On Friday
This is Whiskers' grave. We thinks he would have loved the running water. We kitties like drinking out of it, so we are sure he would have too. The verbena is doing OK, we will be glad when it starts growing and fills up the whole bed. This is the...

- Flowers On Friday ~ Charybdis
The Candle Bush has a caterpillar on it. Do you see it? It is yellow like the blooms so it is camouflaged good. We hope it turns into a beautiful butterfly. I love to drink the rainwater out of the fountain. The Mexican Petunias are very cheerful plants....

- Scylla On Sunday
One of our favourite places to spend a lazy morning is the Butterfly Garden. If you go outside early enough it is still nice and shady down there, and pleasant to sit. Our neighbor gave us two new plants. Mommy can't remember the name of the one...

- Thursday Thirteen ~ Azaleas
Thirteen things about AzaleasAzaleas are called "the royalty of the garden". Azaleas are in the genus Rhododendron, with evergreen azaleas in the subgenus Tsutsusi and deciduous azaleas in the subgenus Pentanthera.Azaleas are either species or hybrids....

