Scylla on Sunday

Scylla on Sunday

One of our favourite places to spend a lazy morning is the Butterfly Garden.
If you go outside early enough it is still nice and shady down there, and pleasant to sit.

Our neighbor gave us two new plants. Mommy can't remember the name of the one in the pink pot, she is very absentminded but the other one is a Jade plant. We had no idea that they would bloom. Mommy has never seen one blooming in real life, so we hope that we can get this one to bloom. The flower in the pink pot has pretty pink flowers. ~Scylla

- Thursday In The Garden
The Hibiscus are blooming we has pink .......................... and white. The silly Wisteria even has a bloom on it. They are suppose to bloom in the Spring not in the summer. The Vitex is blooming. The Whirling Butterflies are looking pretty. And...

- Thursday In The Garden
The Clematis, isn't it just gorgeous. This is the bed it is growing in. The roses and honeysuckle have a head start on it because they are evergreens and the Clematis is a perennial. This is the bed closest to the pond, Mommy had Daddy leave it open...

- Wednesday
 Our Clematis bloomed and now we knows that it is PINK.  The Butterfly Weed is doing pawsome. Someone said it was nice to see the flowers blooming before the cold weather came.  It will be awhile before we have really cold weather or...

- Flowers On Friday ~ Charybdis
The Candle Bush has a caterpillar on it. Do you see it? It is yellow like the blooms so it is camouflaged good. We hope it turns into a beautiful butterfly. I love to drink the rainwater out of the fountain. The Mexican Petunias are very cheerful plants....

- Photo Hunt ~ 13 (pictures)
1.) This azalea bloom is half white and half pink. I love my Encore Azaleas as they bloom all year. The blooms are also interesting. 2.) Scylla & Charybdis are having a mock battle. Scylla was defeated and left unconscious in the chair. (She is really...

