Picture Perfect

Picture Perfect


a day that was nothing short of perfect!

With humidity gone, and temperatures in the 70's...

I floated through the day like a leaf on a zephyr,
kept airborne by Mother Nature's sighs of delight...
on a day when storybook clouds filled the sky.

It was the kind of day that turned my camera into a 5th appendage...
permanently tethered around my neck by a strap of inspiration.

With laundry finished, garden harvesting up-to-date, and a reasonably clean house,
I spent the day out of doors in the green...
my lungs drinking in as much of the fresh air as possible.

Sounds of the farm, 
accompanied by wind in the trees,
 and tiny cyclones sending dry leaves scrambling across the driveway,
added the musical score to the already perfect production I found myself in.

All of the animals seemed to mirror my delight in the day.
MaryAnn was her usual enthusiastic self...

while the cool afternoon gave Ginger the opportunity spend a little extra time napping.

She roused when she heard me outside her door petting MaryAnn.

The promise of a belly rub was enough to stir Ginger from her nap.

Eventually we all moved out into the grassy yard,

where Moll Flanders decided to join in the fun.

She snuggled up to MaryAnn (who was by this time napping), but, for just a moment...

then quickly escaped to the security of my lap.

Lying there with my head propped on MaryAnn, and Ginger's head in my lap...
(she, who snuggles with pigs)

it occurred to me...
I live a weird, but wonderful life!
And yesterday was the best of days!

And if you ever find yourself in need of a little pig snuggling...
just let me know!

PS:  I finished that woodworking project that I mentioned a couple of weeks ago.
I had found an old industrial cart at a yard sale.
(You cannot imagine how heavy this thing is!)
It was in disrepair... with half of its top previously replaced with plywood (nasty).
I decided to build a new top of oak and use it in our upstairs library.
Here is the finished look:

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