Please Pass The Salt Lick

Please Pass The Salt Lick

Yesterday afternoon I brought the Nigerian dwarf goats a present.
It just might be something that they love even more than Ritz crackers!

A selenium and mineral salt block!

Here's what happened in the next couple of minutes...

We really need to work on the concept of sharing!

Later today I will be hiking over to the woods to retrieve the trail cameras.
Check back tomorrow to see what critters we captured (by photo)
during the past week.

- A Walk On The Wild Side
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- A Walk On The Wild Side... Week 7
Every week we travel to the woods with so much gather the memory cards from our trail cameras. It's amazing how many critters are running through our woods when we are not there! Hiking to the cameras is half the fun...the other...

- Pass The Salt, Please!
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- Ahhh...the Luxury Of A Rainy Day!
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- For The Love Of Salt
Every afternoon, a trip to the pond results in this find... four lovely duck eggs. We have come to love our duck eggs...available only in the spring. Our ducks are trying hard to increase their numbers,and daily I am thwarting their efforts. Our...

