Ahhh...The Luxury of a Rainy Day!

Ahhh...The Luxury of a Rainy Day!

Yesterday was the perfect day to catch up on indoor activities.
The laundry and the ironing are caught up.
New bracelets are made.

Wedding corsages are finished.
My craft/sewing room no longer looks as though a tornado struck.

While I was indoors tasking away,
the critters were under roof...

waiting for the sun to come out.

I went out mid-afternoon to do the chores and the sky was cloudy...
rain steadily falling.

While cleaning stalls, I was aware that sunlight began to filter through the barn door.

Out front of the barn... a rainbow....

and blue sky peeking out from clouds.

 Me:  "Come on out, gals... the rain has stopped!"

Goats:  "Couldn't we just have room service?  
You know how we hate getting wet!"

Henrietta:  "The rain gives me the frizzies"

I don't know... maybe I've spoiled them just a bit!

Can you believe it's Friday again?
Today I will be hiking through the woods to retrieve the camera cards from the trail cams.
Check back tomorrow to see who's been visiting our woods.
Oh, I can hardly wait to see!
My life will be complete if there is a bear picture amongst them!

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