Pro-Uni Public School Parents are Intolerant Jerks

Pro-Uni Public School Parents are Intolerant Jerks

Supposedly public schools teach our children tolerance. You would never know it from the comments of these pro-uni parents who viciously attack parents who are against mandatory school uniforms in public schools.

- Wake Up Jackson County Parents
Update: Board rescinds uniform decision By Jonnelle Davis Rockingham County Board of Education took a late-night vote Monday to rescind an April decision that would have required Reidsville middle and high school students to wear uniforms this fall....

- Stupid Comments Of Public School Jingoist
Lately I have read with amusement the comments on some blogs by non-homeschoolers bashing homeschooling. You would think if they were going to comment on another parents educational choice they would at least take the time to find out something about...

- Homeschooling In Mississippi
I have really loved homeschooling in Mississippi. It has been a wonderful experience for my family. But what do other people think about homeschooling in Mississippi? Natalie at the Homeschool Cafe ask How do Mississippi public school superintendents...

- Homeschool Regulation: The Revenge Of The Failures
Visit WorldNetDaily to read Homeschool regulation: The revenge of the failures by Bruce N. Shortt, Ph.D. By attacking homeschool parents, Bounds is playing a familiar game. The goal is to distract the public's attention from the abject failure of...

- Communist Journalist Takes Potshots At Freedom Of Speech
In reference to Mike Kelly's piece on mandatory public school uniforms. The study Effects of Student Uniforms on Attendance, Behavior Problems Substance Abuse, and Academic Achievements Journal article by David L. Brunsma, Kerry A. Rockquemore; The...

