Proud to be one of those troublesome bloggers about the pet food recall

Proud to be one of those troublesome bloggers about the pet food recall

From Pet Connection Blog

Here’s the piece, emphasis mine. The difference here being that from the point of view of a public relations trade publication, the “crisis” was bad PR. For us “off-the-charts” bloggers and pet owners, it was thousands of sick and dead pets and rolling recalls dropped late on Friday nights so we had a difficult time figuring out which products should be off the shelves. We constantly wrote that the majority of food was not recalled, but we asked for — and largely didn’t get — help in figuring out what foods people needed to avoid.

Not to mention: We refused to behave as if a recall list of more than 5,600 products and thousands of
sick and dead pets was a matter of a few little kitties with tummy aches and a lot of hysterical pet owners. We’ve already been criticized, after all, for allowing “unfiltered information” to get out

I just have to be snarky here. MY PET IS DEAD AND THEY ARE WORRIED ABOUT BAD PR! I don't suppose it occurs to them that if they had let pet owners know something was wrong with the pet food Feb 20th when they first knew and before the CFO of Menu Foods dumped his stock they wouldn't have this PR nightmare. Many pets would still be alive, Whiskers among them and their customers would feel that the pet food company had their pets best interest at heart. Instead they tried to cover it up and thousands of pets died needlessly.

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