Public School Executive Misspending Public Funds?

Public School Executive Misspending Public Funds?

Read Jackson Public Schools controversy: Follow through is crucial by Sid Salter.
Did a public education CEO fire a subordinate without cause? Did a public education school executive misspend public funds? Those are the issues that matter.

So why isn't the Clarion Ledger finding out? Could it be because they are too busy bashing homeschoolers? Or is their bashing of homeschoolers a futile attempt to sweep these issues under the rug?

- I Stand For Homeschooling
Unity ~N~ Diversity maintains we are Victims of our own success , I hope not. I think it is important that we distinguish between those of us who are independent homeschoolers and those who engage in virtual public school at home. I blogged briefly about...

- Stupid Comments Of Public School Jingoist
Lately I have read with amusement the comments on some blogs by non-homeschoolers bashing homeschooling. You would think if they were going to comment on another parents educational choice they would at least take the time to find out something about...

- Homeschool Regulation: The Revenge Of The Failures
Visit WorldNetDaily to read Homeschool regulation: The revenge of the failures by Bruce N. Shortt, Ph.D. By attacking homeschool parents, Bounds is playing a familiar game. The goal is to distract the public's attention from the abject failure of...

- How Condescending
In the Clarion Ledger Homeschooling: Some Regulation Required this drivel appeared Verifiable academic standards should be an issue. The question usually asked, after resolving issues of academics, regards socialization. Can home-schooled children cope...

- Public Schools And Socialization Or The Lack Thereof
At Schools Matter No Child Left On The Playground The phone is ringing off the hook at the American Association for the Child’s Right to Play (AACRP) from parents concerned about their children's physical health and social development as play time...

