Public Schools and Socialization Or The Lack Thereof

Public Schools and Socialization Or The Lack Thereof

At Schools Matter No Child Left On The Playground
The phone is ringing off the hook at the American Association for the Child’s Right to Play (AACRP) from parents concerned about their children's physical health and social development as play time or recess becomes a thing of the past. This article in Saturday's New York Times about first graders in Highland Park New Jersey with little time on the playground during the school day shows yet another destructive consequence of this (No Child Left Behind) legislation.

So all those parents who are sending their kids to public schools in order for them to be socialized are apparently getting a bum deal.
“We believe physical fitness and recess are central to a child’s education,” said Warlene Gary, chief executive of the National PTA. “You learn a lot of social skills in recess and have activities. This is a way for kids to blow off steam.” Research shows that recess benefits students, Dr. Clements said. In a 2002 article in the ERIC Digest from the Educational Resources Information Center at the University of Illinois, recess was defined as a break in the day’s routine, and the article said for some children it was their only chance to play with other children.

How sad that the only chance these children get to play with other children is a public school recess. Apparently homeschooled children with their park days, field trips etc. have far more opportunities to socialize with other children.
Parents like Helene Schroder of Howell advocate making recess a requirement so that it cannot be taken away as a punishment. “It’s important socially, emotionally and physically,” she said. “I would like to see it become a right.”
Maybe public school advocates should ditch the socialization argument when bashing homeschoolers. It looks like public school students are losing the chance to socialize with fellow classmates.

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