Public School Students' Sibling Abused

Public School Students' Sibling Abused

Often the critics of homeschooling use the 'abuse card' to insist that homeschoolers must be regulated and monitored. Their mantra is public schools prevent abuse. Apparently they don't.

Over the last three years, the 5-year-old girl was routinely tied up, struck, burned with cigarettes, forced to eat hot peppers and made to drink out of the toilet, Dart said. She had also been scalded, sustaining second- and third-degree burns, Dart said. Four of Petrov's children - but not Melanie - began attending Apollo School in Des Plaines in September, said Principal Lynn Glickman. Glickman said the children are in kindergarten and first, third and fourth grades. She would not comment on whether they had ever shown signs of abuse, nor would she talk about Petrov.

Why didn't Melanie's siblings tell a teacher what was going on? Why didn't a teacher notice that something was wrong? Even IF the siblings were not being physically abused themselves seeing Melanie being abused had to take a toll. Read more in The Sun Herald.

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