Purring for MoMo

Purring for MoMo

The vet thinks MoMo has a virus even though she has been vaccinated. Please continue to purr for her........................

We are sending our love and purrs to MoMo and SS.

- Momo
Socks's beloved MoMo is saying her final farewell today.  We will treasure our memories of her and are so thankful we had the opportunity to get to know her and SS. We offer purrs of comfort to SS & MoMo at this very sad time. MoMo you will...

- Mancat Monday
Sorry no time to chat I has places to go and rodents to catch. PS: Just wanted to let you know my girlfriend MoMo is home from the Vet (what wonderful news) but she did have a tumor in her mouth that extended into her esophagus and still needs lots of...

- Love Is In The Air..................... By Socks
Look what MoMo sent me for Valentines. Isn't it pretty, I shall treasure it always. We are going to a Valentines Party tomorrow. Australia is a day ahead, so today is already tomorrow there. So I am teleporting over to Australia today, which is already...

- Momo Needs Our Purrs
SS reports that MoMo is not eating or drinking and that she has gone into hiding. SS will be taking her to the vet first thing in the morning. Everyone please join us in purring for MoMo. Mommy is going to get a mammogram today, so it will be awhile...

- Spring Fever
Leslie, Pyewacket's mom, made this lovely page featuring my girlfriend MoMo. I am off to visit MoMo in Australia. It is spring there and I adore spring, almost as much as I adore MoMo. ~Socks ...

