Queen Scylla

Queen Scylla

Contrary to what the beans would have you believe I don't spend all my time laying around snoozing and eating. As the ruler of this KINGDOM, I have several important duties. First and foremost I must keep us safe. Here I am inspecting the water level of the pond. I think it is time for my serf (I mean Daddy) to unclog the drain again. Mr. Beaver seems to be for more industrious at clogging it up then Daddy is at unclogging it.

I like to take time to enjoy the garden and commune with nature. It is very important for a ruler to spend time thinking about how to improve the lot of her subjects and to make sure her subject live in harmony with nature.
One must also keep ones subjects in-line. Even if it means having a spat with your sister.
Now I has to fix my furs as a Queen must always look her best. ~Queen Scylla

- Tsarina Tuesday
I am surveying my kingdom. A good ruler must make sure everything is OK. I am snoopervising the beans work in the garden. It is important to make sure your serfs do their jobs properly. All that snoopervising is very tiring. I believe it is time for a...

- Tsarina Tuesday
This is my royal portrait. I am a Tsarina, which is like an Empress and outranks a mere Queen. My subjects should address me as Your Imperial Highness Majesty of Unparalleled Cuteness (Thanks Tommy & Tama-Chan, Sei-Chan, Yuu-Chan and Bibi-Chan)...

- Socks Visits Australia
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- What's Up? The Cats
Yeah, we are finally getting to do a post. We have been very busy. Charybdis almost fell in the pond when she was exploring the bridge. Mommy told her to watch out for snapping turtles. Charybdis had a wonderful time exploring the junk in Daddy's...

- Winterizing Bee Hives
It's that time of year...time to put certain parts of the farm to bed for the winter. Each autumn around this time....before the winds turn too cold, we do a final inspection of our hives and get them winterized. Yesterday I had a bit of help....my...

