Quiet Friday

Quiet Friday

Well, Friday is here,
and for once I find myself short on words.

Bird's eye view of our garden
It's unusual, right?

I have nothing to say today, except that it has been an exceptionally busy short week.
I've canned jam, made ratatouille, sewn an apron, spread manure, filled my barn with hay,
done the laundry and ironing, and a little Fall housecleaning,
moved a dozen chickens, and all the usual "stuff" that goes along with life on the farm.

As for words....nada.
(Well, actually, I did a little creative writing; but I am in the middle of turning
that into a picture book of the farm...I will share that sooner or later....)

Today's blog?  Nada.

So, instead, I will share a bunch of pictures from this week.
I suspect you come for the pictures, anyway.
I mean, who can resist cute farm animal pictures?

They say a picture's worth a thousand words,
so here it is.....15,000 words worth of pictures to make you smile.

Ole Roy....

Roy Boy.... our newest Roo.

Daphne and Chloe....

Bookends....always together!

Looking for leftovers...

"Ooooh, we have guests...."(running to see me)

"Look how nicely our hair is growing in,
bald is beautiful, but a warm winter coat is a necessity!)

 Lovely Ginger...

 Sweet, sweet MaryAnn (always smiling)...

Bobby cat loves everyone!

The pool's still open! (MaryAnn loves her pool.)

No swimming for Bobby and Ginger....

Nothing like a cool dip....

And a cool drink....

Life is good!

Have a wonderful weekend.
I am planning a quiet one here on the farm.
How about you....any fun plans???

Stop by Monday for more Tails from the Farm!

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