Rainy Day Fun

Rainy Day Fun

We may have had more rain yesterday than we had all summer long.
All in one day.
The pond is almost overflowing its banks.
The ducks don't mind.

Our staycation plans had to be reworked.
Golf wasn't in the cards.

Instead we all went out for breakfast....
a big country breakfast.

Andy spent a bit of time trying to capture 
our hummingbirds on picture.
At one point he was surrounded by them.

An unexpected visit from Amanda made the day complete.
All four of our adult kids were home....together.
What a great day we had.
Scrabble, music, cooking together and feasting on garden fare....

Playing in the rain just may have been the highlight of the day.
It was so good to see 4 adult kids let themselves play like children again.
The laughter was infectious.

A trip to the garden to pick veggies for dinner
 turned into a rainy frolic
that 4 young adults won't soon forget!

Dinner was scrumptious,
made special by the fact that we all got into the preparation.

Crab cakes, baked acorn squash, fried eggplant,
tomatoes, watermelon, and creme brulee...
with all fruits and veggies from the garden.

And after dinner, the dogs had a little treat, too.
(yes, everyone brings their dogs home, too!)

As for the farm animals...
everyone stayed under cover today...
with the exception of 18 very happy ducks!

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