

It seems at any given moment, we can always hear the sound of a pileated woodpecker drumming away on a tree somewhere in our woods. That is the way he attracts a mate.

And this is the end result of all that drumming....

We have many trees in our woods that look just like this one. The amazing thing is that each of these holes goes through the entire sapwood of the tree right into the heartwood...about five inches into the tree.

- Wildlife Wednesday
This Woodpecker has a nest in the tree. I can almost reach the nest. Before I reaches it the woodpecker attacks me and chases me out of the tree. Mommy said I better be careful or he would peck my brains out. And don't listen to my Mommy I did NOT...

- Surprise
Life if full of SURPRISE(S). This woodpecker has a SURPRISE in the willow tree. The woodpecker has made a nest in the willow tree and is feeding it's babies. We enjoyed listening to the sounds they made. Mommy was going to hook Fenris' leash...

- Recycling The Christmas Tree
"O Christmas tree,O Christmas tree,How tasty are thy branches..." I was going to tell you that this is what I heard from the goat pen,but the truth is...all I hear is munching! What's even better than Ritz crackers? Why, a discarded Christmas tree...

- What A Difference A Day Makes
What a wonderful quiet weekend we had...Hubbs and I...and the dogs...and the critters! Saturday was a beautiful day...blue skies with temps in the mid fifties.We set out mid afternoon with Sam and Oakley for a hike in the woods... no jackets! Hiking...

- Out On A Limb
My days are never boring.No.Never. In fact, my days are so dang amazing that I could write a book.If. I. Only. Had. Time! The farm has taught me many lessons.Perhaps the most important is this.Never, ever go anywhere without your camera...and a fully...

