Raw Eggs and Farm Security

Raw Eggs and Farm Security

I'll bet the title of today's post has you wondering!
It will soon be completely clear to you....

The piggies have stumbled onto a most exciting find!

Each day when they go out to their yard,
they immediately run into each goat house...
looking for tasty morsels.

You see, on occasion while free-ranging, one of our chickens
will lay an egg in a goat house.

What an amazingly tasty treat these raw eggs are!!

Just ask the girls.
It looks like I will have to do goat house inspections before the pigs go out to play!

While we were outside with the piggies yesterday,
we were visited by our friends (neighbors) and their dogs.
Two strange dogs on the farm sent the guineas and the turkeys into such a tizzy!

Seriously, though, guinea fowl make excellent farm security
in that they do make quite a ruckus when anyone strange comes around.
What I didn't get on tape, however, is how the turkeys kept chasing the new dogs,
trying to establish dominance.

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