Gathering Eggs The Hard Way

Gathering Eggs The Hard Way

Every day during afternoon chores,
I visit this henhouse...

and this...

gathering the eggs that the gals have laid that day.
Then over the fence I go...
into the goat yard, where I must check each and every one of these goat houses for rogue eggs
laid by nonconformist chickens!

There's a likely perpetrator...

but this house is already too crowded.
I doubt there are any eggs under these gals...
at least not any edible eggs!

Ah Hah!

(They always lay them in the back of the house.)

Which means I must crawl on my hands and knees into the house to retrieve said egg.
While in there, I get a goat's-eye view of the world.

And I don't think Missy cares too much for me being inside her house.

She promptly marches around to the back of the house and begins butting it...
her way of saying "Get out of my house!"

You may have noticed that I have been a little obsessed with signage of late.
I don't know why this is...
but I just love signs...old ones, new ones, wooden ones, metal ones.
A favorite sign company of mine is on Etsy.
BainbridgeFarmGoods makes the most adorable farm signs.
I have a few around the farm and just added these two:

If you ever visit our farm, there should be no confusion as to where things are 
and what is what.
Everything is clearly marked with a sign of some sort!!

PS....thanks for all of the warm and wonderful birthday wishes that you all
left for me yesterday.
It was the sweetest day ever!

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