Saturday Artwork & #RecipeForMoments

Saturday Artwork & #RecipeForMoments


Do you see how spoilt I am. I makes Mommy move the keyboard so I have more space to nap on her MY desk.

Mommy and I share a special bond. I am the oldest (13 years) of the 4 legs now. I helped Mommy raise the boy beans. I was the principal of our Homeschool. Sometimes I had to get tough and raise my paw to the boys to keep them in line. When Mommy adopted Scylla & Charybdis I helped her to raise them, they were young 4 week old kittens, and didn't know much about being cats so I had to teach them. I welcomed Arty Mouse into our family and when Mommy got a puppy (Fenris) I helped her to teach him about cats. And when Tuiren needed help I let Mommy know that she was a good doggie that wouldn't hurt cats even though she is a beagle (aka hunting dog), and that we should welcome her into our family. ~Socks reporting for ATCAD

- Once Upon A Time...
We are taking part in the Once Upon a Time Blog Hop hosted by Lady Shasta and Lord Shiloh. We have our paws crossed that one day our fairy tale will come true. Once Upon a Time.............there was a lovely Tsarina named Artemisia, nicknamed Arty Mouse....

- Scylla Sunday
I am being very cooperative today, first we have a selfie for Selfie Sunday hosted by The Cat on My Head, really don't see why Mommy gets bent out of shape when I try to sit on her head. Next I want to encourage everyone to give a homeless cat or...

- Socks Tells All
Oh me and Scylla have been friends again for ages. That is why Mommy thought it was so weird that I was whapping her anytime she got near me. I NEVER do that. And I only did it for a day or two and then I stopped. Mommy says Scylla definitely DID SOMETHING...

- Thanksgiving Gotcha / Adoption Stories
Minna Krebs is hosting the Gotcha/Adoption Stories, so please paw over to her blog to read more heartwarming stories.  I use to live at Grandma & Grandpa's house. They have lots of cats because they refuse to get their cats spayed and neutered....

- Scylla Sunday
I thinks most of you know that me &  Charybdis lost our Cat Mom when we were 4 weeks old. Luckily for us Mommy & Daddy agreed to foster us cause we were so little we needed constant care and to be bottle feed. Charybdis had a heart condition....

