School Violence Soundoffs

School Violence Soundoffs

More soundoffs about Bay High Brawls

What about the parents?
• Responding to "Fighting won't stop": The writer is a perfect example of a kid with no proper upbringing, no respect and no responsibility. I agree with the statement that being cool and rap music has nothing to do with fighting. All this is lack of parent guidance and the responsibility of a parent to teach a child right and wrong.

AMEN! Unfortunately the public schools seem to be populated with tons of kids with no proper upbringing.


What's it all about?
• If the Sound Off from the Bay High student is indicative of the level of articulation in schools today, it's little wonder that they resort to using fists to settle an argument.

One would have thought a high school student would have had a larger vocabulary. Maybe if the public schools start educating their students the fighting will end.


Read between the lines

• That Sound Off from the Bay High student indicated that, not only does Bay High need added security, they also have a serious need for more counselors, especially with a psychiatric background.

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