Science & Homeschooling

Science & Homeschooling

The Greater Sioux Falls Homeschool Association took first place in the South Dakota Regional Science Bowl in Huron on Saturday, earning a spot at the national event in Washington, D.C., this spring.

Way to go Homeschoolers!!!!!
This should show people that most homeschoolers do teach their children 'real' science.

- Top Myths About Homeschooling
I am totally mystified by the number of people who know absolutely nothing about homeschooling but feel compelled to write post on homeschooling full of misinformation and false assumptions. Here I will address some myths about homeschooling that have...

- Stupid Comments Of Public School Jingoist
Lately I have read with amusement the comments on some blogs by non-homeschoolers bashing homeschooling. You would think if they were going to comment on another parents educational choice they would at least take the time to find out something about...

- Here They Go Again Bashing Homeschooling
A small minority of homeschoolers hold a very public Creationist Science Fair, and now the general public thinks all homeschoolers are creationist and that homeschooling should be strictly regulated on a national level or altogether banned. Carlo elaborates...

- Deep Thoughts
Deep Thought asked thought provoking questions in his post Who Decides? Part II In my introduction to education and homeschooling I discussed my conversation with Prof. Rob Reich, who is seen as an opponent by most homeschoolers, and his view that parents...

- Newscientist Bashes Homeschoolers
I really resent NewScientist assumption that all homeschoolers are religious nutcases that teach their children Creationism instead of real Science. New Scientist investigated how home-schooling, with its considerable legal support, is quietly transforming...

