

Fenris' says Frosty Paws are SCRUMPTIOUS!

- Who Dat Wednesday
I am so glad to be rid of the cone and the pins. Grandma took this picture a day or two before I had the pins removed. I seems to be missing something else too. Fenny told me not to worry about it that I wouldn't miss them after awhile, his are missing...

- Fenris Friday
I won Garth's Frosty Paws Contest. You can read about the contest here. I got coupons for Frosty Paws and a cute stuffed doggie that I wasn't allowed to destuff. Mommy says he will be given a home with one of the little nephews. I did get to say...

- Race Day By Scylla & Charybdis
We have been hanging out in the sky box at the Daytona 500 Race Party!!! There is lots of scrumptious food to eat. We have our very own race car driver, Sammy, to cheer for. Socks is helping out with the pit crew. We are so glad the guys let us come to...

- Farm Breakfast
Good morning.Winter has arrived full force on the farm.Our days are blustery cold and clear...our nights even colder. A fire in the fireplace keeps the farmhouse toasty and inviting...a welcomed retreat from the chill of outdoor chores. I wanted to...

- A Berry Good Day
April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? Strawberries in June!! We have had a rather moist Spring this year which made for excellent growth of our strawberry patch. Now the plants are loaded with ripening berries and the hot weather...

