Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

Here I am sleeping in my chair. This is kinda like having bunk beds cause Socks has the lower bunk floor.

While sometimes I appear to be a curmudgeon, the truth is I like having my family around.

I don't like to be alone.

Now it is time to play hide-n-seek with Yang.

Mommy says I have lost some weight since I have been playing with Yin and Yang.

I was in such a good mood I agreed to do a selfie, I hope you like it.

Don't push it, ONE is all you get.

Now that I have mostly worn Yang out we are going to take a nap. ~Scylla, reporting for ATCAD

- Scylla Sunday
 I have been playing with Yin and Yang, boy was Daddy wrong about me not wanting other cats. I love having kittens. Guess what Santa brought me for Christmas. He brought me another kitten. She looks like a tee tiny version of ME. The humans named...

- Scylla Sunday With A Guest (yang)
To everyone's surprise I am rather fond of Yang. We play together a little, we sleep near each other and I generally like the cheeky fellow. When I get tired of  his brashness, I go outside. And since he is such a ham, he CAN DO the SELFIE. I...

- Happy New Year's Eve
Hard to imagine another year has gone by. Arty Mouse is still missing, we all miss her a great deal. Two young kittens have been added to our clowder (Yin and Yang) and we are all a year older. Hope you and yours have a wonderful New Year. ~Socks, reporting...

- Fenris Friday
I am trying to get Yin and Yang to play ball with me. They don't seem to understand how to play ball. I finally got Mommy to throw the ball, so I could retrieve it. I tried to bring it to Yin and Yang, but they wanted to play hide n seek. So me and...

- Shoes
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe......................... she had so many kittens she didn't know what to do. Don't you thinks I look cute in the shoe? I am trying my best to look really adorable, do you thinks I nailed it. ~Yang, reporting...

