Scylla is dreaming of a white Christmas

Scylla is dreaming of a white Christmas

my pimped pic!

Mommy has been having way to much fun making us look silly. I think we should get a picture of her and put silly hats on her head. What do you think?

I want to wish all my friends in blog land a Very MEOWY Christmas and a Happy New Year!

- Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas ~Alasandra, Socks, Scylla & Charybdis One of our family traditions is to get a new ornament for the tree every year. This year Daddy got Mommy a blue egg when he was in San Diego. Isn't it pretty and sparkly? It came from Designs...

- Cat Gossip
We are homeschooled. Charybdis has the daily planner out. Planners are very important, they tell you what you are suppose to be doing. Mommy puts Christmas everywhere, even the dining room and kitchen, Scylla is making sure the dishes are clean before...

- Mating Owls And Blubbering Goats
This time of year, when I head out to do morning chores,this is what I hear in our woods....             Owls are definitely my favorite bird...and Great Horned Owls are amazing creatures.With a five foot wingspan and perfect...

- Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, friends!!The big day is almost upon us. We held our Christmas celebration this past weekend.The house was filled with family, food, gifts and lots of laughter. Christmas with a three year old is unlike any other!(we all know that three...

- Winter Quiet
Another Christmas holiday has come to a close. It was a wonderful holiday here at the farm this year....filled with family and friends. A few days of rain followed by bitter cold has slowed life down a bit. Daily chores are made up of mostly just the...

