Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

MOL I am using the keyboard as a pillow, it drives Mommy nuts.

Now that I am awake and off the keyboard Mommy said I could show you the candle holder my Vet made Mommy and Daddy for Christmas. It has bones on it, she gave the doggies some Milk Bones and me and Scylla got some treats. We love going to the vet in December. Mommy put it on our "special stuff" shelf so Scylla can't knock it off.

Socks reporting for ATCAD

- Scylla Sunday
 FINALLY, I GET TO DO A POST!!!!! And it better be all about ME. No Yoga Kittens. They HOG everything. Did you know they are even getting on MY bed. I have to hide behind the pillows.  I hope they can't find me here cause it is very comfy...

- Tuiren Tuesday
Me and Fenris got bones to eat. Ham Bones!!!!! (Milk Bones soaked in ham juice). They sure were good. I ate mine all gone. And asked Fenris if I could have some of his. He said yes, he wanted to go sit in Mommy's lap. ~Tuiren, reporting for ATCAD...

- Fenris Friday
I am a very Happy Guy, When I one the stuff from Mr. Chewy not only did we get a bag of Chicken Soup dog food and a bag of cat food we got some treats for me. I gots.............................. Mommy likes them because they are good for me. I LIKES...

- Beautiful Blogger Award
Ayla & Iza gave us the beautiful award, look it even has butterflies on it. According to the rules, we are supposed to tell you seven new things about ourselfs.  An ya gotta link ta the kitty (that was Ayla & Iza) what awarded it ta ya and...

- Happy Birthday Socks ~ #9
I am so happy you could come to my party. I am having a wonderful time. There are presents to open as you can see. MoMo arrived bright and early, with presents and balloons, so we could cuddle before everyone got here. Just look at the magnificent cake...

