Scylla on Sunday

Scylla on Sunday

Fenris likes to play. He has already learned to play ball. He finally got tired of running around. He told Mommy he wasn't going to take another step.
Even though he has a great big water bowl of his own he likes to drink out of our water bowl. That's OK cause we drink out of his.

Guess who is under the table? He makes a good excuse for me to be on the table, kitchen cabinets and refrigerator. No Mommy I can't get down there is a big doggie down there. Mommy has been bringing plants in from the greenhouse to brighten up our home. This week it was the azaleas.


- Fenris Friday
I likes my water bowl but Mommy doesn't. Algae grows in it constantly, and Mommy says it is hard to clean. So we thoughts we would ask you for water bowl recommendations. I share a nice ceramic one in the house with the cats and Tuiren, but we don't...

- Mancat Monday
 Can you believe my Mean Mommy gave me a bath, it isn't enough she sticks PILLS down my throat now she thinks I need to be dumped in a BATH TUB to get clean.  I do NOT APPROVE!!!!!  I do like the way she fixed my water bowl. Mommy finally...

- Fenris Friday
 Remember last week I told you about the neat prizes Scylla won from Zee & Zoey, well this is another one of the prizes, and Scylla graciously shared this prize with ME!!!!!  It is a designer ceramic water fountain from Thirsty Cat Fountains,...

- Fenris & Feline Friday
I loves to play with the Alien Orange Thing. Sometimes I has to talk to the Alien Orange Thing. I likes to explore when Mommy takes me for a walk. Socks likes to lay around. He blends in with the yard  very well. And he likes to drink out of his...

- We Dares You
We dares yo to find a fun way to cool off and take a picture of it. Mommy seems to think that sitting in my giant water bowl (it's a kiddie pool Fenris) is fun. She tried to get me to sit in there with her, is she STUPID????, you don't sit in...

