Scylla Sunday ~ Musical Beds, Belated Birthday Celebration

Scylla Sunday ~ Musical Beds, Belated Birthday Celebration

I thinks I look purrty in pink too, so I stole Tuiren's bed. It is very comfy.

Daddy is very rude about me fitting in the bed. I am not as big as Tuiren.

Well maybe I am but she is a small dog isn't she?

Poor Fenris doesn't have a bed anymore. Tuiren has claimed all the dog beds as her own and Fenris will not get on them if they smell like her. He says they has girl cooties. Now it is time for me to get up so we can party. We are celebrating MY BIRTHDAY (late) and St. Paddy's Day. I am 6 years old now ~Silly Scylla

Happy St. Patrick's Day from all of us to all of you. 

We has some green beer to drink, there is non-alcoholic for the kittens.

Lots of yummy seafood
and Cake
Scylla Happy 6th Birthday
I am remembering my sweet sister Charybdis. I thoughts I would share this baby picture of us. Thanks you everyone who left comments on her bloggy. Mommy gets them in emails and we treasure them.

Please stay as long as you like and enjoy the Butterfly Garden and Hummingbird Cottage. When you are ready to leave please take a party favor home with you. 

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 Before Mister came to live here I was getting along with all the doggies. We were all sleeping by Mommy. MOL she had to stand in her chair to get the picture and her big feet got in the picture too. We were making a semi circle around her.  Tuiren...

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