Wowers on Wednesday

Wowers on Wednesday

Mommy is very pleased our Pomegranate is blooming.

The Cape Honeysuckle is blooming too.

The Cypress Tree has gotten really big.

The Ginger Lilies are blooming.

Some Zinnias are putting on a show in the wildflower bed.

Our Chinese Bell Flower (the tall plant) the plants next to it are  Red Cestrum and Red Firespike

The Chinese Bell Flower is also known as a Flowering Maple and a Varigated Abutilon. This is a close up of the flowers.

Crossvine bloom. We hopes you were Wowed. ~ATCAD

- Wildflower Wednesday
The Goldenrod is lovely in the fall. Especially mixed with Ironweed. Ginger Lilies. We love these wildflowers. Mommy calls them Black-eyed Susans. These are cute too, we do not know their name. Mommy thinks they are probably in the aster family. The...

- Thursday In The Garden
We have lots of flowers that bloom in fall and look simply stunning. The Cape Honeysuckle looks lovely all year. Our Goldenrod and Sweet William are blooming. The Pineapple Sage and Ironweed are blooming. The Black-eyed Susans really put on a show. ...

- Thursday In The Garden
We love Fall, we has lots of pretty flowers that bloom then. The Ironweed is blooming. So are our roses. Close up of the Ironweed. Our Sage is blooming. Mommy made the blue pop in this picture so you could see the delicate flowers good. It gets really...

- Scylla Sunday (flashback) & What Mommy Got At The Herb & Garden Fest Saturday
I loves to sleep in Mommy's flowerbeds. The flowerpots are pretty comfy too. Except when Mommy waters them. I am looking forward to the butterflies returning, they should be here soon. We have seen a few of the small yellow ones already. I loves...

- Flowers On Friday
This is the front flowerbed, it is a riot of pink Angel Trumpets, red Cuphea (KYOO-fee-uh) and yellow Buttercups. Doesn't the Angel Trumpet look huge in this picture? Our Cypress Vine, we are kinda disappointed we hoped it would climb up the bird...

